Can Bed Bugs Live in Your Car?
Bed bugs are small, flat, and oval-shaped insects that feed on the blood of humans and animals. During the day, bed bugs hide in cracks and crevices around beds, furniture, and baseboards. You can also find them in mattresses, bed frames, blankets, carpets, and other fabric items throughout your home. While it is possible for bed bugs to infest your car, they’re less likely to do so than inside a house or other structure.
Can You Get Bed Bugs in Your Car?
Although it’s possible for bed bugs to infest your car, it is possible when you bring that infestation into your car. Bed bugs can easily hitch a ride in luggage, furniture, clothing, and other items you bring when traveling or visiting someone else’s home in the Salt Lake area or any part of Utah. They can also be from public places such as hotels, movie theaters, and airplanes.
Once bed bugs get into your car, they can stay there for quite some time. Bed bugs can live for up to 20-400 days without feeding, depending on the environment and temperature. After that, they will likely try to hide in any crevices and cracks they can find until they find a suitable food source.
How To Tell if You Have Bed Bugs in Your Car?
If you think there might be bed bugs in your car, look for physical signs of an infestation. These are similar to the ones found at home – like around fabrics or under floor mats, but can also show up elsewhere on seats and even inside linings/small crevasses where they hide out during day time!
Dark spots on upholstery: Bed bugs feed on blood and excrete dark, red-brown spots after they have fed. These spots can be seen on upholstery, carpets, and your car’s interior.
Shed skins: As bed bugs grow, they shed their skin. These can be found in car upholstery or on the floor of your car.
Eggs: Bed bug eggs are typically small and white and can be found in the cracks and crevices of your car.
Sightings of live bugs: Adult bed bugs are brownish-red in color and can be found in various areas of your car. Mature bed bugs are about the size of an apple seed. Younger bed bugs may be translucent in color and gradually darken as the insect ages. It’s also possible for an individual bug to turn red after feeding, making them hard (if not impossible)to spot during daylight hours since these pests are nocturnal!
How To Inspect Cars for Bed Bugs?
Inspecting your car for bed bugs is essential for personal safety. To do an effective bed bug search, it is important to inspect all parts of the car – from underneath the seats and around the dashboard to any crevices in the doors, windows, or cup holders. Use a powerful flashlight and a stiff brush, as bed bugs may be hard to detect due to their size.
Make sure to also look under rugs or mats and remove items that can hide bed bugs, like luggage or spare pillows. In addition, be aware of any bed bug signs, such as eggs and black spots on the upholstery, that could indicate bed bug droppings. Contact a bed bug exterminator in Salt Lake immediately if you encounter bed bugs during the inspection.
How To Get Rid of Bed Bugs in Cars?
If you find evidence of a bed bug infestation in your car, it is important to take action immediately. The best way to get rid of bed bugs in cars is to enlist the help of a professional pest control service. They have the tools and experience to eradicate an infestation from your vehicle fully.
It is also important to take preventative measures. Vacuum the interior of your car regularly and keep it clean. Be careful when bringing items from outside into your cars, such as luggage, furniture, or clothing, as these can all carry bed bugs. If you think something may be infested with bed bugs, do not bring it into your car. Finally, make sure to check for any signs of bed bugs after staying in a hotel or other public place, as this is another common way for them to enter your vehicle.
Taking these steps can help keep your car free from bed bugs and ensure a safe and comfortable ride wherever you go.
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