Pharaoh Ants

The ant Monomorium pharaonis is commonly known as the Pharaoh ant. The name possibly arises from its mistaken belief that it was one of Egypt’s plagues ( Peacock et al. 1950 ). This common household pest can be found all over and carries an unfortunate distinction for being among one of the toughest pests to control. In this blog post, we’ll discuss some more about this species and how to get rid of them.

Characteristics of Pharaoh Ants

Appearance: They’re about 2 mm long. Their bodies are light yellow with red and black markings on their abdomen.

Life Cycle: The Pharaoh ant has a life cycle that takes about 38 days from egg to adult. They have multiple queens that live for an average of 4-12 months, and workers only survive ten weeks in the colony before dying off or being replaced by new ants. The male pharaoh dies soon after mating.

Female pharaoh ants can lay 400 or more eggs in their lifetime. They lay eggs per batch, and most lay 10-12 eggs in the early days of egg production.

Habitat: Pharaoh ants are found in warm, humid environments and are commonly found in homes and businesses. The pharaoh ant is one of the most commonly seen ants in homes. This type builds nests anywhere from walls and cabinet voids, behind baseboards or refrigerator insulation, curtain rods, folds on clothes or sheets, and other undisturbed places. Their colony will scatter if disturbed, and this makes treatment more difficult.

Diet – Pharaoh ants are generalists when it comes to their diet and will feed on almost anything. They’re especially fond of sweets but also eat proteins found in other insects.


What Causes a Pharaoh Ants Infestation?

Pharaoh ants are small, but an infestation can be a serious problem. It can also be a problem in the house, restaurants, and office buildings where food is being handled. They are known to carry diseases like salmonella, staphylococcus, and clostridium and transmit more than 12 infectious organisms.

Pharaoh ants are attracted to moisture, so areas that are damp or have high humidity are more likely to have an infestation. In addition, they often invade homes, restaurants, and other businesses in search of food.

The infestation spread through the building’s service ducts, plumbing, and voids. The ants forage for water and food where condensation has occurred. The ants can survive for prolonged in low temperatures where the workers continue to forage for food.

Can Pharaoh Ants Bite?

The Pharaoh ant has pincer-like jaws and can bite, leaving a welt that lasts for hours; much like the bites of fleas or mosquitoes. However, the ant’s jaws are not strong enough to break through human skin. As a result, Pharaoh ants are more of a nuisance than a danger because of their ability to spread disease.

Signs of Pharaoh Infestation

Pharaoh ants love to nest behind walls, appliances, and floors. They’re usually found foraging throughout your home, especially near kitchen areas with more food sources like trash cans or pantry shelves. It could be an infestation if you see these amber-colored creatures all over!

Prevention and Control

Pharaoh ants are difficult to control and eliminate. However, there are things that you can do to prevent them: 

  • Seal all cracks and crevices around your home, especially entry points like doors and windows. This will help to keep them from getting inside in the first place.
  • Keep your home clean and free of food debris: This will help eliminate potential food sources that might attract them into your home.
  • Keep food in airtight containers and clean up any spills or crumbs immediately: This will help to keep food from being out in the open where ants can easily find and get to it.
  • Eliminate water sources and use a humidifier indoor: Keep counters clean and dry, and mop up spills immediately. A humidifier can help keep the air dry, which ants don’t like.

If you have an infestation, the best way to get rid of Pharaoh ants is to call a professional pest control company. Do-it-yourself methods are not usually effective because Pharaoh ants will keep coming back. A professional can identify where the ants are coming from and treat the problem at the source. They will also be able to provide you with tips on how to keep ants from coming back in the future.

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